Our Solutions

Work Order Management

Our Solutions

Work Order Management (WOM)

Work Order Management (WOM) is a critical component of engineering and maintenance operations. It is a systematic process forcreating, assigning, tracking, and completing maintenance tasks and projects. WOM ensures that all necessary work to maintain, repair, or improve physical assets is identified, prioritized, scheduled, and executed effectively.

The Work Order Management (WOM) system, when used as a shared platform, acts as a collaborative space that connects the primary contractor (the main entity responsible for the completion of a project or service) with its subcontractors (external entities hired to perform specific tasks or services).

Man using laptop with overlay of files

Core Features:

Engineering Operations

Collaborative Platform


Secure Messaging

Performance Tracking

Billing and Payments

Asset Management


Cross-Device Compatibility

We Build Exceptional Systems

This shared platform is particularly useful when the primary contractor outsources certain orders or tasks to these subcontractors. It provides centralized communication, real-time visibility and streamlined processes. It helps the engineering company to maintain good record-keeping, performance tracking, and compliance and quality control.

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